Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Caine's Arcade - A Reflection of My Childhood Dreams

On the 5th day (April 5, 2013) of our Foothill College Educational Technology Leadership Training, Mr. Rushton Hurley (Team Leader of the KCIPang) showed a video entitled “Caine’s Arcade” ( . This would brought back my childhood memories. As I watch the video, tears started to roll down my cheeks for I've seen myself with Caine.
I was 6 years old and in Kindergarten when my teacher let us watched the musical movie, “Oliver”. I was seated at the front. I was really excited to see this movie. As the movie started rolling, I was so happy. I was amazed and wondered how the light from the movie projector turned the silver screen with moving pictures! I was delighted to see the colors that flashed on the screen! (During my childhood days, I was used in watching movies in black and white in my aunt's television. We don’t have television during those days.) After watching “Oliver”, the movie haunted me even when I arrived home from school. In my mind, I want to have my own movie! I saw the transparent plastic cover of a laundry bar soap. It has many colors. Then I got a lamp and placed the colored plastic of the bar soap beside it. The light that passed through the plastic gave colorful lights. It made me happy. But later, I wanted something that is moving and has a story. I was frustrated to realized that I can’t make a movie for myself. So, I just sat feeling so sad and disgusted. From this point, my eyes gazed at the cartoon of the soap. An idea came to my mind! I got some coupon bonds, scissor, paste, and two sticks. “I’m going  to make a movie roll out of these!”, I uttered to myself. I cut the coupon into strips and paste each on its end. Since I can draw, I drew the movie like a comic strip. After I’m done with the drawing, I placed the two sticks on both sides of the soap cartoon where I paste both ends of the coupon strips to the two sticks. I cut a small window at the front of the cartoon to view the strips. As I turn the stick, the comic strip rolls and shows different scenes! I was happy for my first movie! I showed it to my cousins and they liked it! I made more movie strips and changed the movie weekly. Soon, I have my regular customers, - my cousins who come to our house everyday and to check my latest movie.
I was moved by Caine’s story for like him I also dreamed to have his dream come true. The Foothill’s ICT training did not only open my mind to new heights of teaching but it has awakened the videographer within me. Day 10 (April 12, 2013), Mr. Rushton Hurley announced that I was one of the presenters. My activity plan for my students was chosen to be presented. Soon, Ms. Leslie Fisher announced that my student video, “How To Find A Topic For A Poem”, was among the chosen “Exemplary Videos”. Although, I still have to learn more things in doing videos, that day, I felt I am closer with the dream that both Caine and I has been dreaming of!